the burn that cures.

         ...zephyr viator sundaya...
                         @ balmung.

carrd by MIKHA.

+ about.

            dossier + info ____

+ the basics.

+     .NAME.   zephyrius viator sundaya.
+     .NICKNAME.   zeph. zephyr.
+     .AGE.   ~27.
+     .RACE.   ilsabardian miqo'te/garlean.
+     .NAMEDAY.   21st sun of the 6th umbral moon.
+     .GENDER.   agender.
+     .PRONOUNS.   he/him.
+     .SEXUALITY.   polyamourous bisexual.
+     .HEIGHT.   6'5" / 196cm.
+     .HAIR COLOR.   cool-toned black.
+     .EYE COLOR.   dark crimson.
+     .BUILD.  muscular, with strength in the arms and core.
+     .VOICE CLAIM.   cayde-6 (nathan fillion)

+ notes.

+     .OCCUPATION.   mercenary & "purveyor" of military-grade magitek prototype weapons.
+     .WEAPON OF CHOICE.   unarmed. fist-weapons. dual-swords. whatever magitek he can get his hands on, really.
+     .PLACE OF ORIGIN.   garlemald.
+     .HOME.  outer lapis manalis.
+     .AFFILIATION.  garlean criminal underground. ilsabard contingent (formerly).
+     .MARITAL STATUS.  somehow single, taken, engaged, and estranged all at once. don't worry about it.
+     .D&D ALIGNMENT.  chaotic good.
+     .LIKES.   the smell of burning firewood. fur blankets. ilsabardian vodka. sunflowers. salmon solyanka.
+     .DISLIKES.   humidity. formal wear. degradation. long silences. the beach. garlean nobility. horses. wine.
+     .STRENGTHS.   loyal. warm. passionate.
+     .FLAWS.   argumentative. stubborn. impatient.
+     .PERSONALITY.   Zeph is empathetic, warm, and loyal. Though his charisma is often used to be relatively cocky and playfully smug, he is by no means mean-spirited and does know when to call it quits. His empathy often pairs with his relatively volatile stubbornness, granting him the ability to force his way through other's emotional convictions, regardless if they are friend or foe.

+ hooks.

            character connections ____

wanting more information on a certain hook? just shoot me a DM! i'd love to plot with you and hear what you have in mind! :)

+ the willbreaker's bounty

Did you know that making a career out of harassing the elite, corrupt, and wealthy in Garlemald would earn you some ire? Zeph sure as hell knows! The sizeable bounty on his head is living proof of it.Many bounty hunters in Garlemald know of the Willbreaker, a particularly slippery, bold, and rather cocky target known to weave his way out of any confrontation with weaponized charisma. A relentless hunter could later return in tears, driven to wit’s bleedin’ end from the onslaught that is Zeph’s infamous brand vicious mockery.Perhaps the rumors are a slight exaggeration, but the fact stands that the Willbreaker is still out there—wanted alive, with a sizeable fortune to go along with it.

+ a pirate's life

Do you know how expensive it is to freeze your ass off in the wastes of northern Ilsabard? Do you know how hard it is to get anything done with bounty hunters lurking around? While the Garlean underground proves itself time and time again as a reputable employer, there comes a time where Zeph takes his leave from the northern reaches to work abroad.More often than not, this "abroad" work is assisting various pirate crews along the southern reaches. Those who sail The Bounty or Ruby Sea may be familiar with Zeph!

+ aristocratic familiarity

Those familiar with the upper reaches of Garlean society may recognize Zeph on a more personal level. Putting his criminal notoriety aside, it’s not hard to recognize the disowned heir of Zakhar cen Sundaya, a rather prestigious alchemist admired for his contributions to the empire.Whether it be childhood friends or being forced to maintain a conversation in the world’s most dreary gala, Zeph has many social ties to his older life. Many of these connections would have likely noticed Zeph’s sudden disappearance a few odd moons before the calamity.

+ fight night.

When not busy being a legion soldier's worst nightmare, Zeph often finds himself frequenting various taverns, bars, and as a means of relaxation. Something about alcohol, friends, and a warm hearth does wonders to the psyche...Though if these locales have an underground fighting ring or something along those lines? Perhaps then there is relaxation to be found in a friendly exchange of fists. Zeph is always looking for sparring partners, banter rivals, and fellow adrenaline enthusiasts!

+ ooc.

            writer information + rules ____


                                                                                   ...DAVE | 25+ | he/him...

  • Hi! My name is Dave! It's short for Davexander. I've been roleplaying in XIV on and off since mid Stormblood. I also have spent a good amount of time roleplaying over in WoW as well. Insert that 10+ years of RP experience remark here or something.

  • My general philosophy is that the game's lore should be viewed as a guidebook and not a rulebook. I prefer things stay within reason, but also I think it's totally fine to fill in lore gaps with our own creativity and have a little fun while at it.

  • I would prefer to not write with WoLs / Canon NPC characters. Non-WoL AUs are totally fine though! I totally respect the hustle, but most of my fun with RPing is writing outside of the scope of MSQ.

  • If you have a certain situation in mind but you're unsure if it'd be up my alley, feel free to just ask. I don't bite, but I do reserve the right to say no if need be.

  • I am 100% LGBT+ friendly! I'm bisexual and transmasc myself, so it's always nice meeting others under the umbrella!

  • Yes, I have a Mare code. No, I don't give it out at random. Get to know me as a person outside of ingame RP, then we can talk about exchanging horse codes.

  • Art on the Carrd here was done by the lovely @cherryelms on the biography page and @waterinmycrocs on the hooks page. Thank you so much!

+ gallery.