the burn that cures.

         ...zephyr sundaya...
                         @ balmung.

carrd by MIKHA.

+ about.

            dossier + info ____

+     .NAME.   zephyr viator sundaya.
+     .NICKNAME.   zeph.
+     .AGE.   ~27.
+     .RACE.   miqo'te/garlean.
+     .NAMEDAY.   21st sun of the 6th umbral moon.
+     .GENDER.   agender.
+     .PRONOUNS.   he/him.
+     .SEXUALITY.   polyamourous bisexual.
+     .HEIGHT.   6'5" / 196cm.
+     .HAIR COLOR.   cool-toned black.
+     .EYE COLOR.   dark crimson.
+     .NOTABLE FEATURES.   zeph is toned & athletic with his strength being primarily housed in his arms & core. small, tiny freckles speckle themselves across both his face and body.

+     .PERSONALITY.   empathetic, warm, and loyal.though his charisma is often used to be relatively cocky and playfully smug, he is by no means mean-spirited and does know when to call it quits. it's one thing to act as a heel, but it's another to just be an unjustified dickhead to someone undeserving.his empathy often pairs with his relatively volatile stubbornness, granting him the ability to force his way through other's emotional convictions, regardless if they are friend or foe

+     .OCCUPATION.   mercenary & purveyor of stolen military-grade magitek prototypes
+     .WEAPON OF CHOICE.   fists. one-handed swords.
+     .PLACE OF ORIGIN.   the eblan rime.
+     .HOME.   northern ilsabard.
+     .AFFILIATION.   garlean criminal underground. bozjan resistance (formerly). the ilsabard contingent (present).
+     .MARITAL STATUS.   a loving situationship.
+     .D&D ALIGNMENT.   chaotic good.
+     .LIKES.   burning firewood. fur blankets. alcohol. sunflowers.
+     .DISLIKES.   humidity. formal wear. degradation. long silences.
+     .FLAWS.   argumentative. stubborn. impatient.

+ notes.

+     .A NOBLE UPBRINGING.   zeph's roots hail from that of ilsabardian nobility. in truth, zeph was the lone heir to his father's successful alchemical trading company. his childhood and early adult years were often spent in garlemald, shadowing his father through various deals and trade agreements.+     .EXILE AND ELATION.   surprisingly, zeph’s time spent in exile was not as full of blood, sweat, and tears as he originally expected it to be. sure, there was sweat; mercenary work was hard work! but in truth, it was that very sweat that helped zeph learn his true calling...
giving garlean politicians and officials the headache of a lifetime.
+     .EVER PRESENT, EVER BURNING.   if the final days taught zeph anything, being the least of the empire’s concerns was a blessing. garlemald had bigger problems and zeph's bounty was not one of them. those who believed in the twelve could certainly thank them!though he certainly isn't without the occasional shengangian or three.

+ hooks.

            character connections ____

+ garlean underground "relic" aficionado.

Could stealing magitek weapon prototypes be considered collecting relics? Some would say no, but Zeph would say yes!

The miqo'te loves to collect the wretched things; from bits to rifles to ceruleum-powered augmented fist weapons, Zeph will find a way to get them into his hands. Selling them on the black market for a scalped price is just all part of the collector's spirit, of course.

+ lapis manalis.

Despite his exile from Garlemald and the bounty on his head that came after, Zeph seems to hover around the area to an extent. More noticeably, he has developed a fondness for Lapis Manalis, the mountain region beyond Garlemald’s reach.

It could be the wildlife that puts him at ease, or possibly even familial ties to his extended family that he's trying to piece together still. Regardless, it's not uncommon to see him in the area...

+ bozjan resistance.

Zeph fought ardently in the Bozjan Resistance, with most of his work being done in Gangos and Zadnor. Pushing back against Garlean forces in a more professional manner was a dream come true; the warmer, tolerable weather of southern Ilsabard was just an added bonus.

It was only when the Final Days hit that he finally opted to return home to Northern Ilsabard. Even so, he remains in touch with those he worked alongside to this day...

+ a pirate's life (temporarily) for me.

At some point in time prior to the events of Shadowbringers, Zeph spent a solid year or so on the high seas. Turns out that when you're having a manic episode, joining your best friend's pirate crew is a great coping mechanism! Who would have thought?

While this obviously didn't last, the friends (and enemies) that Zeph made along the way stuck with him. Those with a history of pirating in the Ruby Sea or The Bounty may recognize Zeph. Additionally, Zeph has a a solid amount of respect for the lifestyle, even if he does prefer to keep business on land these days.

+ bounty hunter vs. bounty hunted.

With crime, comes attention. With attention, comes several bounties and warrants for your capture. Then comes the meticulous act of determining if the amount of attention you're getting is the highest form of praise or the worst pain in the ass...

While the final days did put a pause on most of the drama surrounding his criminal life, there are still a few parties wanting to see Zeph brought in. Each party has their own reasons for wanting Zeph dragged back to Garlemald by the scruff. Though hunters be warned, Zeph is an incredibly, incredibly slippery target...

+ with reckless abandon.

Bar fights? Sure! Underground fighting clubs? Absolutely! If it's reckless and Zeph is in the right mood, he'll more than likely be down to give it a go! Besides, who doesn't like a little bit of danger every now and then...

+ ooc.

            writer information + rules ____


                                                                                   ...21+ | he/they...

  • I'm comfortable with both Discord and ingame RP! I can mirror styles, but I prefer that multi-para RP take place over Discord!

  • I am walkup friendly for the most part. I prefer a heads up prior to engagement since I am frequently alt-tabbed.

  • While I am a horror fan, there's certain shit that I refuse to engage with. Some of these topics include rape, pedophilia, incest, sexually suggestive lalafell content and other stuff along those lines. I reserve the right to back out of a situation if need be.

  • I am 100% LGBT+ friendly! I'm bi and transmasc myself, so it's always nice meeting fellow gays. :-)

  • I'm totally chill with interacting with voidsent or Vrandtic characters.

  • While I respect the hustle, I prefer to not write with WoLs / Canon NPC characters. I just like writing outside the context of MSQ is all! For WoLs, non WoL AUs are totally fine!

  • Yes, I have a Mare code. No, I do not give it out randomly. If we're friends and we've spoken previously, feel free to ask! If not, sorry!

+ gallery.